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Kylie Poteet

Kylie Poteet

Agent Support Specialist

UT Mobile: (801) 652-6601
Efax: (888) 286-4009

Hello, welcome to my page.

Kylie started with me years ago when she was just 19-years old. She has seen every aspect of the business from the front-end, to closing, to client services, to post-closing. Kylie’s attention to detail and thoroughness in her work has created a whole new position on our team. She is responsible for all client updates; special projects; marketing materials for our agent and builder partners; my monthly newsletters and my Keep In Touch programs. She manages all of this with a smile and is an integral part in maintaining our client relationships.

All-in-One Solution

Our Loan Process...


A loan pre-approval sets you up for a smooth home buying experience.


Start working with a real estate agent and viewing homes.


A few documents are needed to get a loan file through underwriting.


Assemble all the necessary paperwork and details for the underwriter.


They closely evaluate all the documentation in the loan package.


Documents are drawn and sent to the title company for closing.

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